I got an A star for science!
More thinking! (see previous blog, click on the heading here on the right)
It's not about how God created, but why. When Jeremy Paxman said that the story in Genesis was "reigious hogwash" (Remember?) the hogwash was more a description of Paxo's thinking; or not thinking.
He wouldn't like that
Trying to set the Bible up against the amazing recent discoveries in science is a bit like using a Haynes Manual ...
What's a Haynes Manual?... as a cookery book.
Some of the basic principles are the same; like following instructions, having the right tools, reading it carefully and so on. But the purpose is very different. Try to make a nice cake using a Haynes Manual! Try to mend a car using a cookery book!
So... the bible isn't simply inaccurate, it's different!
A good way of putting it. And, finally, in this "thinking" bit.....
What about, for example, the eye?
What about the eye?
Even Darwin admitted that his theory couldn't explain some of the big changes! Remember the blind sea cucumber; the tube, food in at the front, poo out at the back?
What would ever cause something like that to think about developing an eye? And how would it know how to "make" one - even it if tried for a million years?
"I say, fellow sea cucumbers, I've a smashing idea, I'll make an... er... 'eye'!". "Pop!" and there it was!
At the "Artificial Life" International Conference, held in Winchester [England] in 2008...
the conference logo
... there was a presentation of a massive computer program which simulated, like a huge computer game, the theory of evolution. You set it all up then press the "enter" button and, in theory, evolution happens on the screen. Only it didn't! However they adjusted the program big changes just wouldn't happen.
so clever Mr Darwin didn't have all the answers, then?
He knew that his ideas were only a start at explaining an impossible-to-explain problem. And after Darwin, came more discoveries which made things even more baffling for us all. It seems that every discovery just creates more tricky questions for the next generation of clever people to try to answer.
But one thing is absolutely certain, there is nothing in the Bible that contradicts the theory of evolution and there is nothing in the theory of evolution that contradicts the Bible. At its most basic, you could say that evolution is one of the many many mechanisms used by God to create and develop His World.
But, please sir? What about my genes? You've not mentioned genes.
You're not in school now; but that can wait until Tuesday! In the meantime, think about this; written about 2000 years ago.
Ever since God created the world, his invisible qualities, both his eternal power and his divine nature, have been clearly seen; they are perceived in the things that God has made. So those people have no excuse at all! They know God, but they do not give him the honor that belongs to him, nor do they thank him. Instead, their thoughts have become complete nonsense, and their empty minds are filled with darkness.
Oooo-er; that's a bit heavy.
Next Bible Blog : Tuesday 10th October
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